Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gotta Do

<a href="">Gotta Do by Tony Partida</a>

I wrote this one while I was working for Quanta, about 6 months or so ago. I was worried about my job, wondering if they were going to start firing people. I started having that sinking feeling again, you know, that feeling of "where will I go if I lose my job" feeling. This song came out as a sort of declaration to the world that, well, I just really don't care anymore. I have had it with worrying about stuff that matters. I have been a Christian all my life, but have never really understood faith until now. Faith is not just learning to trust in God with my problems, it's learning to stop worrying so much about bad things when they do happen. That's the hard part. That's what usually kills my faith. It's only when I stop all the drama, drop my concern, and simply say, "I really don't give a crap what happens" that allows God to move. I know that sounds really strange, like I have stopped caring about everything. But until you go through something that causes you to understand that you really have no control over anything, that ANYTHING can go wrong, and will, that you understand why you need a God who is in control. I guess that all sounds a little preachy. Maybe it's preachy because God's word is in better view of reality that we sometimes give it credit.

Alright, I'm off the soapbox. The song is a pretty drastic departure from "Dad's Prayers", and I think shows some of my pop roots that I have to give some attention to now and then, or writing's just no fun. Please give feedback, through Facebook or wherever is most comfortable. Of course, any purchases of the mp3 will go to a currently unemployed songwriter. Thanks for listening.

Coming next month: a song for my Mom.